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This blog is back with all kind of information mainly on the various types of supplements. Read and reap benefits.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Simple changes in the diet can cure constipation

Constipation is the big problem faced by all ages today. I too face constipation and irregular bowel movement often i think mainly due to the wrong food intake like pizza, burger, indian fast foods with lot of oil or taking of junk food replacing a nourishing food. I have also observed that I do'nt eat daily at a regular time and mostly there is no gap between dinner time and sleep time. All this tells upon my poor digestive system. I think and also found by observing others in my family and friends that mostly gut problems occur due to wrong type and timing of food i.e., if craving for fast food and soft drinks is one cause then untimely eating habits is another cause. Just some changes in the food can make the difference and drink plenty of water.

JUST make these simple changes in your diet :

  1. Add high fibre diets like leafy vegetables, pulses and fruits which are good for bowel movement.
  2. If you are a non-veg you must have raw vegetables and salads along wity your regular meals or else it will cause constipation.
  3. For constipation never become habitual to laxatives.
  4. Daily exercise and plenty of water will also serve the purpose. Drink at least 2 glasses of water with some lemon drops after getting from bed. For details read my article "Water is Medicine"
  5. Other benefits of high fibre diet is that it can cut the risk of heart disease.
    Increase your dose of high fibre in your breakfast.
    Though fruits and vegetables are good source of fibre but cereal fibre gives more protective fibre, so eat whole flour, unpolished rice, sprouts and so on.
  6. Make this your daily routine.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Nutritional Supplements - Yes or No

Is it necessary to take supplements?

Won't my regular diet give me full nutrition?

If you are basically healthy, is there any advantage in taking supplements regularly?

Supplements include just vitamins and minerals or anything else?

Do supplements have healing power?

If you develop a health disorder or ailment, can you expect supplements to offer any help?

Can conventional medicine be avoided completely if herbs are used for certain health problems?

These are some of the questions that people have who don't know much or are skeptical about nutritional supplements.

They believe in conventional medicine only. Of course, multivitamin and multimineral supplements have been taken since 50 years or more by many and mostly by aged people. Herbal supplements were less known and less taken whereas some herbs have the capacity to cure chronic ailments like cancer too.

Even doctors and nurses who practice conventional medicine may be sceptical about alternative therapies but there is evidence that many take vitamin and mineral supplements themselves.

But this mindset is changing in patients as well as doctors.

Read my article on 'The Changing View of Dietary Supplements'

Another section of people are those who want to avoid conventional medicine as much as possible because of their side effects, some medicines leaving disastrous effects on our mind and body. These are people who prefer alternate therapies, home remedies and herbal supplements and go to medical professionals under extreme circumstances like surgery requirements.

Alternative treatments like naturopathy, reiki, homeopathy, ayurveda, unani, yoga, meditation and use of supplements are becoming popular due to

  1. less or no side effects

  2. less cost

But the fact is visit to a medical practitioner is necessary if required in certain circumstances although alternative treatments are effective in many cases. It can be foolish or even dangerous to seek complementary or alternative treatments for medical conditions that Western-trained doctors excel at treating or preventing.

It is good always to talk to your doctor before taking any supplements or if you are already taking any particularly if you have any chronic condition say asthma, diabetes or heart disease. Some supplements may complement, or even replace conventional drugs. But never alter or discontinue the dosage of any prescribed medication without consulting your doctor.

So be fit and fine by enhancing your diet with nutritional supplements and go for alternate therapies too for good health and a healthy lifestyle and yes only after consulting your certified medical practitioner and knowing whether a supplement or remedy suits you or not.

The changing view of dietary supplements

Today available nutritional supplements or dietary supplements are not new. They encompass known substances like vitamins, minerals and herbs. Vitamins have been used in pill form for more than 50 years. The different kind of herbs found in different geographical areas have long been used in the kitchen and the sick room. Most of them were one-a-day formulas and herbal remedies either had to be concoted at home or bought in out-of-the-way health-food shops.

Public Awareness: Today people are more health concious. So many people are willing to try supplements. This indicates that a major change in health care has brought herbal and nutritional medicine closer to conventional medicine.

Traditionally doctors have been skeptical of these alternate medicines and remedies. But this is changing. Today doctors world over are willing to learn about complementary treatments and are open to explore new methods of healing. This significant trend has led to an dramatic increase in the use of vitamins, minerals, herbs and other nutritional supplements.

For many people, supplements play a major role either as a therapy or preventive measure in curing a number of ailments and sometimes in case of chronic diseases tool.

Research: Researches too are giving evidence that supplements promote good health. Nutritional research has produced a flood of studies offering constructive evidence for nutrients and certain foods. Harvard University has provided strong evidence that vitamin E supplements is linked to lower
rate of heart disease in both men and women. High level of vitamin E found in the average Australian or New Zealand diet very likely offers some protection against heart disease.

Herbal Remedies: Scientific research has also proved that herbs used years ago have medicinal value. Below I am mentioning some of the popular herbs used as supplements.

Evening Primrose oil has long been valued by Native Americans for its healing powers. Today a focussed research on it's therapeutic effect of the oil obtained from its seeds which contains and omega-6 essential fatty acid called gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). For details look for evening primrose oil in the supplements category.

Ginseng is a hugely popular herb all around and is added to vitamin supplements as well as fruit juices. It combats the physical effects of stress and boosts energy. Quality ginseng have a variety of protective effects on our body. For details look for ginseng supplement in the supplements category.

Red wine acts a safeguard to our immune system and start destroying harmful free radicals. Like ginseng it is also a energy booster that promotes a healthy lifestyle. For details look for red wine extract in the supplements category.

A herbal sleeping medicine
Valerian root, a herbal sleeping aid is sold in the form of capsules and tablets, has

virtually no side effects. If it's 4'o clock in the morning and you're still wide awake.
Valerian may be your need that could safely take to help you fall asleep without the
unpleasant side effects of conventional medicine.

Saw Palmetto is among the herbs that doctors in Europe often prescribe for
prostate problems, for the benign (non-cancerous) enlargement of the prostate
known medically as BPH.

Ginger is known for its stomach problem relieving properties. Ginger is native to India,
China, and other tropical areas. For thousand years it has been used as a popular
treatment for digestive problems like indigestion, flatulence, vomiting and also cold.

Preventive Healing: Both medical experts and the general population are increasingly recognising that lifestyle choices are a critical factor in staying fit and well. That is why, now more and more people are paying attention to diet, fitness through exercise, yoga, aerobics and weight control by taking rigourous or natural weight loss measures.

Simple problems like back pain, constipation, common cold, sleeping disorders and serious problems like heart disease and cancer can be avoided by taking self-care measures through vitamins, minerals and herbs.

Good nutrition gives not simply absense of illness but optimal health leading to a full, vital and productive life.

A popular and proven weight loss formula

Be Fit and Fine with Nutritional Supplements

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Evening primrose oil for Eczema, Diabetes, Menstrual Disorders, and Joint Pains

This supplement is a boon for women who experience the trauma of menstrual cramps every month. It is known by its name because its light yellow flowers open at dusk.

The oil of evening primrose is very rich in polysaturated comega-6 fatty acids, which are necessary fatty acids that body needs to complete numerous functions including insulin absorption, regulating the heart, and regulating mood. The body does not manufacture these fatty acids on its own, so they have to be taken as food or food supplements. Aside from the omega-6 fatty acids, evening primrose oil has linoleic acid and gamma-linolenic acid (“GLA”). Both of these acids are very important and very beneficial to general well-being. GLA accounts for most of the supplement's therapeutic effects.
Eczema: One of the leading uses of evening primrose oil is to treat eczema, an allergic skin condition that may develop if the body has trouble converting fats derived from food into GLA. In a study of 60 people with eczema GLA in evening primrose oil was found to be superior in reducing the itching and oozing of the condition. 3-4 months use of this nutritional supplement helps in alleviating itching and reduce the need for topical steroid creams and drugs with their unpleasant side effects.

Diabetes: In people with diabetes, the GLA in evening primrose oil has been helpful in preventing nerve damage (neuropathy). In people with mild diabetic neuropathy, one year of treatment evening primrose oil reduced numbness and tingling, loss of sensation and other symptoms of the disorder
better than other sources of GLA, suggesting that evening primrose oil may be of value in reversing neuropathy.

Menstrual Disorders: Evening primrose oil can be effective for menstrual disorders such as premenstrual syndrome, menstrual cramps, and endometriosis because of its GLA content. Oil blocks the inflammatory prostaglandins that cause menstrual cramps. It also eases breast tenderness
experienced by women just before periods and to some extent plays a role in reversing infertililty also.

Joint Pains: According to a study, swelling and pain in joint symptoms have been seen to improve when evening primrose oil supplements are used. Acne, muscle pain and rosacea that involve inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis may also be alleviated.
Evening primrose oil is said to benefit heart patients by lowering blood cholesterol and reducing the risk of blood clots. Evening primrose oil has shown gradual decrease in triglyceride levels by increasing HDL and reducing LDL. Including evening primrose oil supplements can reduce high blood pressure. It's ability to reduce high serum cholesterol and blood pressure may take several weeks to notice results.

Dosage: Many experts recommend buying evening primrose oil that contains a small amount of vitamin E. The recommended therapeutic dose of evening primrose oil is generally 1g three times a day which supplies 240 mg of GLA a day.

Caution: Bloating or abdominal upset is seen in less than 2% of users. Consuming of evening primrose oil with food may lessen this effect. It is recommended to take this with meals to enhance absorption. It is available in the form of capsule, softgel and oil.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Home Remedy for Menstrual cramps

Every month I have fears of menstrual cramps. I go through the trauma of these spasmodic pains in my lower abdomen at the begining of my period. It is one of the most common problem faced by 70% women world over every month. Earlier doctors used to dismiss this pain as psychological and prescribed pain killers or tranquilizers. But today gynecologists and researchers have come a long way in fully understanding menstrual cramps and the degree of pain women experience each month like me.

Menstrual cramps do tend to ease off within a day or two but who wants 48 hours of misery if it can be avoided. I use the following self-help remedies that provide some relief.

  • Take a hot bath. The hot water will relax the muscles of your uterus relieving you from cramps.
  • Put a hot pad on your stomach or on your mid lower back. I use the hot water bag and put it alternately on your belly and back.
  • Drink something hot. Drink some herbal or ginger tea and lie down and be comfortable.
  • Before and during your periods avoid junk food, fast food and heavy food. Eat more of vegetables, fruits and juices and eat little at a time. Eat light and keep your stomach light. Avoid sweet and salty foods.
  • Exercise reduces muscle tension. Little bit of walking will help reduce cramps and increase circulation in the pelvic area.
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol.

Apart from these

1. Take a good multivitamin and multimineral supplement. Make some changes in your .

Calcium helps muscle maintain normal tone.

Omega 3 fatty acids are antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory.

Vitamin B3 (Niacin) decreases menstrual pain by reducing vasospasm in uterine arteries.

Vitamin E reduces menstrual pain and cyclic breast pain.

Lot of supplements can be found in our Supplements Section.

2. Do some yoga.

brings balance in the body. Heavy and rigorous exercise should not be during menstruation and yoga is a slow movement and calm exercise and hence is the perfect exercise to be done during menstrual cycle. There are many recommended standing, forward bending and twisting exercises but I feel the following are simple and enough to answer the task.

Kapalbhati pranayama

anulom vilom pranayama





Inversion poses like sarvangasana and shirsana are not recommended during menstruation.

The details of above yogasanas and pranayamas and how to do can be found at below sites.


abc of yoga

divya yoga

Final advice to women is take good rest and beware of food cravings. Take good care of your .

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Friday, November 16, 2007

Ginseng Energy Supplement

Veriuni Ginseng Energy Supplement has the following advantages:

Increases energy and alertness.
Strengthens immune function.
Relieves stress and improves oxygen levels.
Acts as an antidepressant.
Increases sexual interest.
Mobilizes blood sugar from the liver.
Promotes a healthy nervous system.

A Special formulation designed to improve circulation and promote oxygen levels in the brain.

Get yours now...

Retard Ageing Process

Today our lifestyle is so hectic and busy that there is no time to take good food, take notice of your food habits.

Also due to various pollutants and green house effect people are getting aged prematurely.

It is high time you look after your health by just using

Red Wine Extract - A Veriuni Product

It safeguards your immune system and start destroying harmful free radicals.

Retard the aging process, and protect your health with Advanced Antioxidant with Red Wine Extract. One dose delivers 500 mg of Vitamin C, 400 IU of Vitamin E, and 30 mg of red wine extract for maximum healthful benefits!

Boost your energy levels and promote a healthy lifestyle! Studies have shown that the ingredients in Veriuni's™ Advanced Antioxidant with Red Wine Extract help lower your risks of cancer, support a healthy heart, and more.

So live a healthy life with Veriuni™ Advanced Antioxidant with Red Wine Extract. For more information, check out

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Water is medicine

Some people say that one should drink this much water or drink only when thirsty. Much of our body is made up of water. Not drinking enough water will leave us under-hydrated or even dehydrated. India is a tropical country so the body should be hydrated as dehydration sometimes leads to severe health hazards. But during rainy season and humid temperatures drinking too much water makes you run for the small room only. Know your body needs and go for water.

My husband often gets cramps if water intake is reduced due to busy office hours or during travel. No medicine, just drinking 3-4 glasses corrects the problem. The human body is about 70 percent water and cannot function properly without enough water every day.

My 2 year old son gets constipation if he drinks less water and no laxatives, syrups required just plain filtered water rectifies the problem. Infact water helps alleviate constipation. It is the best detox agent.

What less intake of water can do?
# Many people don't drink enough water leading to dehydration and this can cause muscle pain and even headaches.
# Risk of colon cancer, bladder cancer and also breast cancer.
# Metabolism gets disturbed.
# A mere 2% drop in body;s water supply can trigger signs of dehydration:
1 trouble with simple math
2 trouble focussing on smaller print
3 short term memory
4 loosing temper

What more intake of water can do?

Drinking water is important for your good health, but it is possible to drink too much water when you drink a huge amount of water in a very short time. This condition is called hyponatremia and can be very dangerous.
Cell and tissue functions, complete body anatomy and physiology depends on water for their functioning. It acts as a lubricant and base for saliva.
Health officials also emphasize the importance of drinking at least 8 glasses of clean water each and every day to maintain good health.

According to naturopathy water has therapeutic qualities. Water as medicine (pani prayog) used in water therapy for external use of water therapy as well as internal use of water therapy.
Water is a healthy beverage. Water is cure. So please keep drinking water.