Constipation is the big problem faced by all ages today. I too face constipation and irregular bowel movement often i think mainly due to the wrong food intake like pizza, burger, indian fast foods with lot of oil or taking of junk food replacing a nourishing food. I have also observed that I do'nt eat daily at a regular time and mostly there is no gap between dinner time and sleep time. All this tells upon my poor digestive system. I think and also found by observing others in my family and friends that mostly gut problems occur due to wrong type and timing of food i.e., if craving for fast food and soft drinks is one cause then untimely eating habits is another cause. Just some changes in the food can make the difference and drink plenty of water.
JUST make these simple changes in your diet :
- Add high fibre diets like leafy vegetables, pulses and fruits which are good for bowel movement.
- If you are a non-veg you must have raw vegetables and salads along wity your regular meals or else it will cause constipation.
- For constipation never become habitual to laxatives.
- Daily exercise and plenty of water will also serve the purpose. Drink at least 2 glasses of water with some lemon drops after getting from bed. For details read my article "Water is Medicine"
- Other benefits of high fibre diet is that it can cut the risk of heart disease.
Increase your dose of high fibre in your breakfast.
Though fruits and vegetables are good source of fibre but cereal fibre gives more protective fibre, so eat whole flour, unpolished rice, sprouts and so on. - Make this your daily routine.